Route & Timetable

Takayama ⇆ Matsumoto

To Matsumoto

April 1 - November 30, 2024


(■) = This bus operates on 2024/8/10~2024/8/15.


About the reservations:

  • Reservations can be made for the following boarding and drop-off combinations: △ → 〇, △ → ▲, 〇 → 〇, or 〇 → ▲. 
    For instance, you can reserve a ride from Takayama Bus Center (△) to Matsumoto Bus Terminal (▲).
  • Reservations cannot be made if your boarding and drop-off locations fall under the following combinations: △→△ or▲→▲
    For instance, you cannot reserve a ride from Takayama Bus Center (△) to Hirayu Onsen (△).
Please note: 
  • You can board between Matsumoto Bus Terminal and Shin-Shimashima Station if seats are available on the day, but advance reservations or ticket purchases are not possible. We recommend using the Kamikochi Line train.
  • For the section between Hirayu Onsen, Takayama Bus Center, and Shin-Hotaka Ropeway, boarding is also possible on the day if seats are available, but advance reservations or ticket purchases are not available. We recommend using the Nohi Bus service for this route.
  • Reservations can be made either at the ticket counter or online, up to one month prior to the boarding date.

To Takayama

April 1 - November 30, 2024


(■) = This bus operates on 2024/8/10~2024/8/15.


About the reservations:

  • Reservations can be made for the following boarding and drop-off combinations: △ → 〇, △ → ▲, 〇 → 〇, or 〇 → ▲. 
    For instance, you can reserve a ride from Matsumoto Bus Terminal (△) to Takayama Bus Center (▲).
  • Reservations cannot be made if your boarding and drop-off locations fall under the following combinations: △→△ or▲→▲
    For instance, you cannot reserve a ride from Hirayu Onsen (▲) to Takayama Bus Center (▲).
Please note: 
  • You can board between Matsumoto Bus Terminal and Shin-Shimashima Station if seats are available on the day, but advance reservations or ticket purchases are not possible. We recommend using the Kamikochi Line train.
  • For the section between Hirayu Onsen, Takayama Bus Center, and Shin-Hotaka Ropeway, boarding is also possible on the day if seats are available, but advance reservations or ticket purchases are not available. We recommend using the Nohi Bus service for this route.
  • Reservations can be made either at the ticket counter or online, up to one month prior to the boarding date.

Important Info

Please make sure to read this section carefully. We will not respond to any inquiries regarding the information already provided here.

About Bus Operation
Bus Stop Location
Bus Timetable Updates
  • We typically update this timetable in late March.
  • If the schedule for next seasson is not yet available, please be patient for its release. We kindly ask that you refrain from inquiring about the release of the new timetable, as we cannot provide more details than what is available on the timetable page.
  • The timetable is not expected to change significantly from last year, so please refer to the timetable from the previous year until the updated one becomes available.
  • Please make a reservation by yourself. We do not accept reservation requests, regardless of the number of passengers or requests from travel agencies.
Luggage Allowance
  • This bus has a luggage compartment where you can stow your suitcases. There are no restrictions on the number or size of items.
  • Items such as ice axes, poles, pickaxes can potentially damage other passengers’ luggage. Please store them inside your backpack or carry them separately in a dedicated cover or bag.
  • Bicycles can be stored in the trunk and should be disassembled and packed in a dedicated bag for assembly-type bicycles or in a specific bag for folding bicycles.
  • Loading and unloading of luggage is your responsibility.
Onboard Facilities

This bus does not have a restroom onboard. However, there will be one restroom break during the journey at Hirayu Onsen.



**Only one-way tickets are available; there is no round-trip fare.


Adult Fare

Matsumoto Bus Terminal - Takayama Bus Center

4,400 yen

Matsumoto Bus Terminal - Hirayu Onsen

2,800 yen

Matsumoto Bus Terminal - Shinhotaka Ropeway

3,710 yen

Matsumoto Bus Terminal - Nakanoyu

2,350 yen

Takayama Bus Center - Hirayu Onsen

1,600 yen

Shinhotaka Ropeway - Hirayu Onsen

910 yen

Children’s fares
  • 13 years and older: Adult fare applies.
  • 1 to 12 years old: Child fare applies (half the adult fare).
  • Under 1 year old and toddlers not using a seat: Free of charge. However, if the bus is fully seated, your child may not be allowed to board due to legal capacity limits. To ensure a seat, we recommend purchasing a child fare ticket even if your child does not occupy a seat.

If the child is tall enough to use a seatbelt, it is mandatory to wear one. For infants or young children who cannot use a seatbelt, an adult must securely hold them using a baby carrier or similar device.


Ticket Counter

Matsumoto Bus Terminal
Opening Hours:7:00〜19:00
  • Credit cards accepted.
Shin-Shimashima Station

Opening Hours:6:00〜19:00

  • Credit cards accepted.
Takayama Bus Center
Opening Hours:Please inquire directly with Nohi Bus.
Hirayu Bus Terminal
Opening Hours:Please inquire directly with Nohi Bus.

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