信濃大町⇆ 扇沢
(◎) = 4/27-28、5/3-5、7/13-14、8/3、8/10-14、9/14-15、9/21-22、10/12-13行駛。
(※) = 4/15 – 5/31、7/6 – 8/31期間每日行駛。 9/1~11/3期間週六/日及假日行駛
(△) = 4/15~11/3每日行駛。
(◎) = 4/27-28、5/3-5、7/13-14、8/3、8/10-14、9/14-15、9/21-22、10/12-13行駛。
(※) = 4/15 – 5/31、7/6 – 8/31期間每日行駛。 9/1~11/3期間週六/日及假日行駛
(△) = 4/15~11/3每日行駛。
(▲) = 11/4~11/30每日行駛。
Please read before making an inquiry:
- This is a non-reserved bus; it is not possible to purchase or reserve tickets in advance. Please purchase your bus ticket on the day of travel and then join the boarding queue. Boarding is on a first-come, first-served basis, and purchasing a ticket does not guarantee that you will be able to board your preferred service. If you board the bus at a stop without a ticket counter, you can buy your ticket onboard.
- We typically update this timetable in late March. If the schedule for next year is not yet available, please be patient for its release. We kindly ask that you refrain from inquiring about the release of the new timetable, as we cannot provide more details than what is available on the timetable page. The timetable is not expected to change significantly from last year, so please refer to the timetable from the previous year until the updated one becomes available.
- We do not accept reservation requests, regardless of the number of passengers or requests from travel agencies.
- This bus has a luggage compartment where you can stow your suitcases. There are no restrictions on the number or size of items.
- We don’t operate this bus in winter season, please inquire Omachi City Tourism Association for more information.
- For travelers from ANA Holiday Inn Resort Kuroyon Hotel to Shinano Omachi Station and Ogizawa, please use this bus timetable, not the Nagano – Shinano Omachi/Ogizawa line. The nearest bus stop to the hotel is the “Hinatayama Kogen” bus stop.
- Only one bus departs at each scheduled time.
信濃大町 ~ 扇澤
來回 |
成人 |
1,650 日元 2,950 日元 |
信濃大町 ~ 日向山高原
單程 |
成人 |
630 日元 |
信濃大町 ~ 大町溫泉鄉
成人 |
540 日元 |
大町溫泉鄉 ~ 扇澤站
成人 |
1,320 日元
日向山高原 ~ 扇澤站
成人 |
1,230 日元
- 成人: 12歲以上
- 兒童: 6~12歲
- 幼兒: 6歲以下
- 如需佔位,請購買兒童票。
- 信濃大町車站巴士售票窗口
營業時間: 第1班巴士發車前10分鐘開始至15:15為止,週末、國定假日等旺季期間延長營業至17:10為止(至11月3日為止),每日9:05至10:20為休息時間。若售票窗口無提供服務,請於巴士內支付車資(僅提供現金支付)。
- 可使用信用卡支付
- 僅限信濃大町~扇澤線的車票
- 此票務辦公室是由北阿爾卑斯觀光營運,而非ALPICO交通。詳細資訊請直接向北阿爾卑斯觀光洽詢。
- 位於JR信濃大町車站外、往扇澤方向的巴士站前。
- 扇澤車站巴士售票窗口
營業時間: 10:00〜16:40
- 可使用信用卡支付
- 此票務辦公室是由北阿爾卑斯觀光營運,而非ALPICO交通。詳細資訊請直接向北阿爾卑斯觀光洽詢。